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When planning a service, you have a variety of options, and we are here to help create a beautiful and respectful ceremony. Whatever your choice, we provide a space for family and friends to come together in grief, comfort, and love. Above all, we are dedicated to honoring your loved one in the most meaningful way possible. We’re happy to discuss your options and answer any questions you may have.
Cremation is the Process of burning a dead human body at a very high temperature from 1,400 degrees F to 1,800 degrees F for an hour to an hour and a half in which the cremains are pulverized into "Ashes" . The "Ashes" can be kept in an Urn, Buried, Scattered or even incorporated into Jewelry or objects as part of the last rites of death. We have a selection of Urns, Memorial Capsules, Cremation Jewelry and Cremation Caskets for clients who select this service.
We offer Life Insurance for Individuals and Family members from ages 0 to age 95 with very affordable premium rates with face amounts from $1,000.00 to 30,000.00 in coverage, you may call on one of our Licensed Insurance Agents to see what coverage you qualify for.
We offer a variety of Monuments including Granite Markers of all type which it may be flat markers or upright markers and also a variety of Bronze Markers and Above Ground Crypts. You may call and ask for our Monument agent for more details.